Scalable, Visible, Predictable Wireless Unleashes the IoT
Commercial Use Cases for the IoT
Wireless for the IoT is wireless that works for you, not the other way around. When you deploy Spearix powered devices, you can count on predictable performance that is visible to your operations and scales to the magnitude of your wireless challenge. In use cases from warehousing to logistics to worker safety, this is the only wireless that will maintain your ROI.

Use Case: Construction Safety
Ten million construction workers accounting for hundreds of thousands of injuries and over a thousand deaths every year in the US alone. Minimizing liability means having the data on hand to respond an analyze. Dollars, man-hours and throughput depends on wireless that works for you.
Use Case: Beyond RFID in Warehouses & Logistics
RFID has boomed into a mature market and its use cases are uncontested. Despite never achieving the almost zero cost chased by most in the industry, it has many deficiencies. First, it lacks continuous monitoring. Second, it cannot store and communication state information. Third, its infrastructure tends to be static and inflexible. Beyond RFID means continous monitoring with flexible long lasting wireless will reduce human error, improve response time and eliminated downtime in warehousing and logistics.