Wireless connectivity is the foundation of the IoT. Wireless for mission critical battery powered IoT applications demanding positive and predictable ROI in warehouse, logistics, industrial process automation, agriculture and commercial markets can no longer rely on consumer level reliability with limited scalability.
We've been busy testing. You can test too.
Check out our test results achieving gains resulting in Wi-Fi immunity, predictable and longer battery life in manufacturing environments, connectivity through concrete floors, around water bottle stacks and in the presence of microwave oven emissions.
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Spearix offers the only wireless solution that can scale to solve the magnitude of your wireless challenges. Need more reliability, more range, longer battery life or more capacity? Spearix can show you how to throttle performance to meet the challenges of your wireless environment.
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Spearix offers the only wireless designed to measure its own performance within its own environment, in-network and real-time. You no longer have to count on "bars" or post-hoc analysis after months of wireless failures nor unpredictable battery life shortfalls. Spearix shows you live and in-network.
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As the IoT scales to broader and larger networks addressing bigger problems, predictability is key to conserving and accurately achieving return on investment. Without predictable wireless that controls your battery life and capacity performance in real-life conditions, ROI is at best, out of control and at worse non-existent.


Backwards Compatible
RADiS(TM) multi-core wireless gangs together multiple RF wireless physical layer devices of any protocol such that new wireless sensors and access points can coexist and operate within previously deployed networks. Backwards compatibility enables enhancement of brownfield and greenfield deployments.

Any Protocol
Spearix is focused on narrowband IoT protocols specifically for long multi-year battery life such as IEEE802.15.4. However, the principle of RADiS(TM) multi-core can be applied to any protocol. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), LoRaWAN, Zigbee and HaLow present commercially interesting use cases. WiFi and 5G can also benefit from RADiS(TM) multi-core.

Any Spectrum
Unlicensed bands such as 2.4GHz and sub-GHz can be easily upgraded to meet industrial level performance. However, the nature of RADiS(TM) means it can be applied to any spectrum. The RF spectrum does not limit performance improvements.
SPX210C4 Wireless Evaluation System is now available. Intended to test, visualize and report wireless performance based on real life metrics such a as packet success rate and RF aggressors, the evaluation system is the first line of defense against unreliable wireless. Operating in 2.4GHz band and based on IEEE802.15.4 physical layer, the system enables point-to-point assessment of wireless environment.
Extend range, capacity and battery life in your most challenging RF environments.
Built-in RADiS(TM) multi-core capabilities operating with four independent cores maintains high packet success rate (PSR) where typical wireless would falter. Achieve full 93% PSR line-of-sight at 10dBm per core at 390 meters, a range where a single core typically struggles to sustain 7%.

The evaluation system accepts SMA connected antennas operating in 2.4GHz band and contains all required components to establish a point-to-point link testable under various real world conditions and environments.

Spearix Technologies, Inc.
702 Brazos Suite 518
Austin Tx 78701